Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

10:27 AM Off to the dog park. Then the craft fair. I am sleepy.

The dogs couldn't find anybody to race. I dont understand why they have to race across the fence.

Blitzen's Tale
I mostly sat around on the table. I ran around smelling for a while.

Lady Chica's Tale
Couldn't get any of those big dogs to run. There were two cowdogs on our side but they didn't run. Then mom was gone all day.

I had fun at the craft fair altho I was somewhat tired. Today was slower but still a steady stream of customres. I was told that originally the fair had 31,000 items and half were sold the first two days. Only two of my hats sold. I talked with a volunteer who said that what sells cha nges from year to year. This year it seemed sparkles. A lot of Halloween stuff was sold.

I craved two items. Purses made out of denim with endless pockets inside. And a sweatshirt with buttons sewed on the front outlining a snowman.

Roseanne Cash sang me home. She doesn't sound country altho singing old country songs.

7 PM Tired out. martha and jeff left me some food.

Ellis Peters, *The Pilgrm of hate*
I am having problems getting through this. Every book has the same plot. This is tenth chronicle of Bro Cadfael. The year is 1141 and pilgrims are coming to the Benedictine Abbey of Shrewsbury to honor St. Winifred.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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