Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27

Up at 11:30. I took benedryl at 2 AM and slept for ten hours. Yesterday was stressful. My next task is to work on Blitzen to get him under control.
Off to Town Talk and Ft Woof.

Judy and Szabo arrived simultaneously. So we chatted. We were discussing race, caste and class. Judy: I compromise. I think caste is sliding into class.
What impresses *me* most about Obama is that he was *recruited* by Univ. of Chicago. Not many people are recruited.
His undergrad degree was international relations.

Martha called while she was driving home from Laredo. We had our usual chat

I really didn't get a nap in. Clara came home today. She had a light stroke. She is diabetic and eats goodies and her sugar score was off the top.
Tonight I attended *Broadway Goes to the Movies*. Just for fun, people at Broadeway Baptist who can sing presented this program of songs from movies. It was great.
Martha, it is 11 PM and I am not sleepy.

Lady Chica's Tale
Not many big dogs in the park today. Almost no little dogs. I was busy parking cars as usual. This is really a big responsibility, seeing that those cars line up the way they are sposed to. I dont know what they do when I am not on the job.

Blitzen's Tale
Mom tried putting a harness on me, over my nose. I managed to get out of that. Not many big dogs there today. I just love talking trash across the fence. Nobody takes it seriously. I can talk to those big guys and they just stand there and listen.

I did not even pick up a book today. No time.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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