Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2

Wednesday night I watched a documentary about Jerusalem. This clarified a point in Brother Cadfael's "The Leper of St. Giles". When the Christians captured Jerusalem during the first crusade, (in which Bro Cadfael participated), the Christians slaughtered all the Muslims in the city.

Thursday morning. I listened on NPR to the man at McGill Univ who is working on the creation of a chickensaurus. In other words, reversing evolution. Changing gene structure.

dragged myself up at 11 AM. Wind advisory today. My back muscles remember carrying the dirt yesterday. I may not go to dog park. Wind chill too strong.
I forced myself to my task for the day, treating the carpet where Blitz has been marking. It involves unloading and moving book case.

7 PM and I am tuckered out. We did go to the park and the wind was horrific. Between gusts it was pleasantly warm. I may take a nap.
The court case against the gov of Illinois sounds like a novel by Jim Lehrer.

Lady Chica's Tale
Nobody at the dog park. I like running all over the park with nobody around. A horse came trotting past the fence. A bridal path goes all the way around the back of the park.

Blitzen's Tale
None of those bums on the other side would come up to the fence. Too scared I guess. I don't know why. I can't jump that fence. We did have a chance to bark at a horse. he knew there was a fence.

Ellis Peters, *The Leper of St. Giles*
Brother Cadfael series set in the reign of Stephen, civil war with Empress Maud. This book is set in 1139. Bro Cadfael went on the First Crusade and conquered Jerusalem. Later in his life he became a monk and created herbal medicines. A powerful baron is murdered. Bro C finds the killer and the young lovers live happily ever after. And who is the leper, Lazarus?

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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