Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28

Baptist Center and the place is crazy. Loco. We've had a woman claiming assault. People wanting groceries who live everywhere. Last week of the month.

A woman was out of her mind. Claimed this man touched her and told her dirty names. Goodness. Many new people every week. They dont know the routine. We did service 17 families.

Came home and took a nap. Then off to dog park. Talked with Ray. He is a bigoted racist, but he went over and picked up after Blitzen, went to the fence to see where Blitzen dug. I have trouble walking. Weather.

This evening I watched Nova, about the Hobbit. A hominid never before discovered was found on an island off Java. Anthropology controversy over find.

Lady Chica's Tale
Boring day at the park. Blitzen was being naughty. Mom was picking up after me at one side of the field, and Ray put Blitzen on time out for humping a little dog. Then Blitzen tried to dig out under the fence. He is so naughty.

Blitzen's Tale
What can I say? Old Chica has given you all the news. It takes a village to raise a child. What is this about a dog park?

James Patterson, *Lifeguard*
Not in a series. Nice and simple to read. Three paintings are stolen. several people are murdered. The hero winds up marrying the FBI agent.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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