Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009

I went to bed early for me at eleven. Still tired this morning. Up early enuf to get to Sunday School. Humid this morning. I am sweating at the computer. 82 degrees.
In Sunday School we did lectio devina. Read and meditate. We did that in my women's studies class at TCU.

On the way home from church I was remembering the time I was threatened with arrest on an airplane (last September). I was being too loud and got angry. I was trying to get attention of flight attendent. A horrible fat man was hitting me with his elbow. I was given a solemn paper that declared me in danger of arrest. (Two police were waiting outside the door of the plane.)

I am not so sure how much of the Gates affair was *racial profiling*. The man is 58. I think that there is *elderly profiling*. Anyhow, I have been identifying with Prof. Gates.

One of my Readers suggests that professors of black studies at Ivy League colleges are full of themselves. I will state categorically that full professors of anything anywhere are full of themselves. I dont blame them. It is a long tough climb to be a full professor.

Wikipedia has a full article on the Henry Gates arrest. Part of the problem I think is that Skip Gates assumed racial profiling immediately. I think he was out of line but I identify with him. I was on campus during the sixties when the Illinois State Police were brutalizing students. One class period students came to class bloody from a riot.

****************** At that point I took a nap. And Lady Chica had to wake me up bc I guess they wanted supper. I think I slept three hours. I think I hear the tornado siren sounding. We are supposed to have showers tonight. temp now is 97 degrees, real feel 102.
I am wearing a dress where I sewed the pocket too low. I need to replace it.
Itinerary for tonight: read until 6 or 7 and off to dog park.

Well, I was typing on this when the innernet went out and I lost a paragraph. We went to dog park where we had half an hour before the rain started. We managed to make it home and into the house before the downpour. Lady Chica hid behind the couch where she could not see the windows. She does not like lightning.
The park was too funny. Buddy got away and into the small dog park in order to play with Chica. I got her on a leash whereas Buddy and Blitzen went charging off around the park.

Lady Chica's Tale
I dont like that light that Mom calls lightning. I hid back of the sofa where I couldn't see it. I was jittery at the dog park. I can feel it coming.

Blitzen's Tale
All that jittery electricity in the air charges me up. I had a great time running with Buddy. he's a good ol boy.

I came home and read some more in The Influenza. I have to take a break. The author is so technical. I read another book a while back but at that time they did not know what the virus was like.

Michael Connelly, *City of Bones*
Heironymous Bosch. At the end of this book Harry retires from LAPD but we faithful readers know he returns after three years. In this book a dog finds a human bone and a body is unearthed after 17 years. A boy of 12. First he has to be identified. Then the killer found.

Connelly emails me that he has a new book coming out, something about Dragons. I think Bosch goes to HongKong to take care of his daughter.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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