Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009

3:15 AM Another night when I cant get to sleep. Altho I may have been asleep. I had that experience of being in a dream and being awake simultaneously.

We slept in until eleven. Lady Chica was curled up against my back like a little heating pad. We are going to visit Pup tonight. So no dog park this morning. I am determined to clean and sew today.

I took two naps. Did some vacuuming. Filled some bobbins. Then we went over to Lea's for PPQS [Philosophical and Paleontological Quilting Society]. I worked on scrapbook. lea sewed a nightgown for her grand daughter. We discused the Celts and Welsch bc I had been reading Bro Cadfael.

Pup had brot home a bone from his walk last night and chawed on it all day. Blitzen came zipping in and buried it. Then Blitzen dug it up and buried it again. At Pup's he buries his treats.

Blitzen's Tale
Mom just broke the rules. What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.

Lady Chica's Tale
I dont know why Blitzen keeps burying things. Who wants to eat something after it has been buried. Blitzen is not very couth.

Robert Barnard, *The Killings on Jubilee Terrace*
Police procedural. Jubilee Terrace is a soap opera (English). One of the characters is killed. Somebody burns his house down when he and a woman are in the house.
I read this in one sitting. Fascinating book.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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