Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Slept in until ten. My coffee tastes thin. I have been dissolving instant coffee in milk for a sort of latte. Came from reading James Lee Burke. Regular coffee tastes like water.
I intend to get some sewing done today. I am feeling energetic.
I guess I got my grieving out of the way. Today is Libby's birthday.
We did not have a funeral for her. Martha organized a memorial weekend at Galveston on her birthday (2006).
Two years later (2008) we met again on Galveston. My son, Steve, said he wanted to do this every year. Alas. The beach house was swept away in a hurricane a week later. And Steve died in January.

11:41 AM I have spent almost two hours sitting at my computer. No wonder I never get anything done. I have been emailing back and forth with Ruth C and my sister. My sister called briefly on Skype. We are discussing my childhood memories. I am trying to write a Memoir.

I have sewed a little and read. I cant seem to get to sleep.
Blitzen knows that Oda Mae brings food even if he doesn't get any. When she knocks at the door he cries. I dont tell her that he is excited about the food. not her

PPQS tonight.
Listening to NPR for the past six months has been a course in Finance 101. I never knew anything much about finance. Think had a talking head who has written a book on the FED.

Spent time scrapbooking while Lea designed her next project -- stained glass. We watched on PBS a video of "The kennedy Family". I did not vote for JFK and I did not grieve for him. As I watched people declare him a saint, I realized how it was that Lincoln became a saint. But that is all long ago.
I looked out at the dogs and they were lying in the damp sand where John keeps it damp for the dogs.

Lady Chica's Tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's. Actually we just lay in the cool sand.

Blitzen's Tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.

Henning Mankell, *The Fifth Woman*
Kurt Wallander police procedural. Set in Sweden, written in Sweden. I really, really recommend this novel for mysteryphiles. A man is found killed by falling on bamboo stakes. Another is strangled and tied to a tree. A third is thrown in a lake in a weighted sack. the police in Ysted are working hard to solve the homicides.

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