Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Reader Response to Gabaldon:
the first book of the series is the best...the others just get too caught up in history and not enough character development. :)

Only 10:30 this morning. Up having flavored coffee and Lea's pumpkin bread. Off to park soon as rain is predicted.
I dreamed I was sorting laundry, dirty clothes from a back pack. I have been reading Navada Barr and trekking in Glacier National Park.

It is sprinkling now and again. The dog park was miserable cold. I spent most of my time on the phone with Uncle Mark, whom I forbade coming to the park bc he has that virus everybody is having. Blitzen was trying to play with a tiny little dog the size of a chihuahua and its mom was scared to death of Blitzen who wouldn't come bc he was playing catch.

Blitzen's Tale
There was a cute little doll wearing a pink sweater but Mom wouldn't let me go near her. And some folks were scared of me when I wanted to play. All in all not a successful outing.

Lady Chica's Tale
I got the nicest email from Mooch Presly, who is a cat. He was impressed that I like cats. Mom says I am regressed to the common ancestor of dogs and cats, whatever that means.

It is so good to be home in a warm place. We made a library run. Now I have 21 books out. I swore to read all before ordering me more, but I learned that my library (Richland Hills) has a great many of the Outlander books. And I want to read Obama's *Audacity of Hope*. I read it in 2008 before the election and wound up saying that everybody would be mad at Obama. My prediction has come true and I want to read the data on which I based that prediction.

I slept for about three hours. Wow. I am ready to see the New Year in. Determined to do some piecing. I have left Anna Pigeon running away from a grizzly bear. I got too scared to continue.

Nevada Barr, *Hard Truth*
Correction: Anna Pigeon was promoted to "district park ranger", in charge of a whole park, Natchez Trace in Mississippi. This was in 2000. Five years later, in 2005, she has been married and moved to another park in the mountains.
Upon her arrival at her new post, the personnel are searching for three lost girls, from a religious retreat. Suddenly two of the girls arrive out of the woods.
Recommended read.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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