Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009

11:00 AM I feel rested. For the past 36 hours I have mostly slept. I plan to do a small amount of tidying.

By 1 PM I took a nap. Hard to believe. I have managed some tidying. It is psychologically hard for me. I have found a missing address book.

Blitzen's Tale
Lady Chica's Tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.

We all went over to Pup's. Had comfy soup for dinner. Lea baked cookies and sewed. I just sewed. I am sewing blocks together. quilt blocks.

James Lee Burke, *Rain Gods*
A lot of philosophizing by the protagonist, hackberry Holland, an old sheriff down in Texas near the border with Mexico. Holland still suffers from his experience as a POW Korea in 1950. Another character is Paul, severely burned in Iraq. Holland talks about the experiences of his grandfather in the war with some Mexican.
Nine young Thai women are killed and buried in Holland's county, coming in from Mexico. The FBI and other agencies take over. The women had bags of heroin in their stomachs. We share the thoughts of the murderer and the drug lords who set the action in motion. Holland sets forth on his own investigation.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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