Friday, November 21, 2008

The Great Depression

Back in the day it was only a depression, not The Great.
The depression was underway in Iowa in the early twenties. During the Great War when the price of wheat was high, farmers borrowed money. Then they lost their farms when the war was over and the price of wheat fell.
The stock market crashed in 1929.
I was born in 1926. My memories began after Roosevelt had been elected president. In rural Michigan where I lived, everybody I knew hated Roosevelt and the New Deal. R slaughtered baby pigs. (This was a program to reduce production. Pigs were slaughtered and farmers were paid not to plant.)

My father was out of work in 1936. We lived on credit. Our landlady allowed us to stay in our rented house and our grocer extended credit.

We ate beans and beans and beans and beans. During the summer we canned and canned. we picked wild blackberries and canned fifty quarts. During the summer we ate string beans cooked in milk. My mother was nutrition conscious.

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