Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vice Presidential debate

I have mellowed out about the illustrious governor of Alaska. After listening to the debate between her and Biden, I believe that the culture has changed enough in the past forty years so that Palin, even if president, could not push back the tide.
What gave me encouragement was her response to same sex marriage.

Biden answered properly that marriage is a matter for the states, altho he thinks same sex couples should have civil rights, ability to visit each other in hospital and such.
Much to my surprise, Palin agreed with him.


The Whited Sepulchre said...

Dr. Liz,
Can you name ANYTHING significant that the Republicans and Democrats disagree on?

(And when I say "disagree", I mean it in the sense that they might one day do something about it....)

zbethwalker said...

Whited Sepulchre:
This is the 3 AM opinion. I must admit that I am sorely dismayed over the actions of the Congress elected in 2006. I had hoped for a change in direction.
Alas, I think that our political structure has been captured by the big corporations, by big money.
Dr. Liz