Monday, May 19, 2008

Libby's Death

I dreamed about Libby last night. My daughter, Libby, died two years ago today. I miss her.

Libby and I emailed daily for almost ten years. If she didn't get my email she called me to see what was wrong. She nagged me constantly about getting more exercise (she walked five miles every morning). She bought me a membership in the Y where I discovered Silver sneakers.

Blitzen fell in love with her at first sight and she was always his favorite person. Libby gave the dogs long walks.

So life goes on. At first I felt guilty that we argued so often. Then one day I found myself wanting to argue with her. It was our way to communicate.

Well, I made it to Silver Sneakers and then to Yoga stretch. Libby would be proud of me. (IN the south they use that proud of you differently.) Came home and took anap. Then I made it to tai chi. Then I came home and took another nap.

At 4:30 the dogs decided it was time to go to the park. I think they have that time fixed now. The temp was 99 degrees but the park was pleasant with a breeze blowing. I smeared sun tan lotion on face and arms but I managed to sun burn a small area on my leg.

I am tired. Man I am tired. Three hours of exercise.

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