Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hank the cowdog

Forgot to set alarm. Woke with fifteen minutes to get outthe door.

This morning was chaos. Next week kids begin getting school uniforms and people were hectic. I blew up and I feel such shame. I believe that I am the only woman who ever blows up.
My problem is that I shut up and shut up and then blow. I don't know how to politely talk to somebody.
In Sunday school class we talk about feeding the poor, but nobody mentions that the poor are demanding and sometimes hostile.

I came home and slept four hours. Chatted with Marilyn and watched wether channel. AT 5 pm temp was 99. I walked dogs to pee and they came in and have gone to sleep. No dog park tonight. Walking for three minutes exhausted me.
The dogs have slept all evening.

John R. Erickson, *The Case of the Most Ancient Bone*
Hank the Cowdog. This is the fiftieth book in the series. The series is composed of children's books, funny for children with sly humor for adults between the lines.
In this book, archaeologists come to dig on the ranch. They find a buffalo bone which Hank covets. Two coyotes come in to steal the bone and Hank manages to trick the coyotes into leaving. He is a hero.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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