Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 19

Saturday morning is so tranquil, with nobody coming or going. I feel rested this morning with little pain. I am off to Kroger's. I discovered last week that Sat twilight is no time to go Krogering. The store was crowded with people buying supplies for their party.
Think I will drop by Marilyn for another cup of coffee.

Met some Jehovah's Witnesses on the way. Marilyn was not up. I went Krogering and then made a library run. Did chant with Marilyn. Then I slept for three hours.

Nothing new at the dog park. I am still tired. Listening to tape of a novel. Cant remember author nor title.

Finished Death and Honor. I am waiting for the next episode. (proably not even in Griffen's mind)

I cannot finish Purgatory Ridge. Read the ending. One of the characters is too tragic. Another character is Lake Superior who never gives up her dead. That is because the lake is so cold that bodies do not deteriorate and rise to surface.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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