Wednesday, July 16, 2008

William Krueger

Woke at 8 and took dogs out for a walk. It was so cool we jumped into the car and drove to Ft. Woof. I let Blitzen drive. (taht is a joke) The dogs really needed the exercise. Lady Chica was chasing birds back and forth across the field. The birds do this on purpose. I was enthralled in a trashy novel (review soon) and we stayed two hours. As we were leaving Judy was entering. I had not thot to call her.

I will spend the rest of the week de-tidying. I threw everything into leaf bags and shoved into the closet like Fibber McGee. I intend to keep lr and kitchen like a model apartment. I can close doors on bedroom and studio.

Slept for two hours. Went down to sit with Marilyn and do hand sewing. I dashed over to Dollar General for her, got cranberry juice and bread. Was amazed at the rise in prices.
Spent the evening listening to Big Red Tequila on tape.
Reading Milton Friedman and arguing with him.

William Krueger, *Purgatory Ridge*
I would classify this series as police procedural. Cork O'Conner is on again, off again sheriff in Aurora, Minnesota. (I dated a guy from Aurora, MI). Cork is part Ojibway Indian and each novel is usually about white/Indian hostilities. In this case, lumbering virgin pines. Cork's wife, Jo, is a lawyer representing the Indians.

I am adamantly opposed to lumbering. I was raised in the stump country of lower Michigan, the desert remaining after the pines were clear cut. My great grandfather was killed in the lumber woods. Pines grow only in soil where other plants do not flourish. I think it is acid soil.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

1 comment:

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Uh - ohhhh....

Dr Liz, I have to warn you. If you keep reading Dr. Friedman, he WILL change your mind on some political and economic issues.
You'll eventually throw all your old copies of "The Nation" into your leaf bags, and set them out on the curb.

I'm just giving you fair warning.
What are you reading - Free To Choose? Capitalism And Freedom?
(I'm always surprised at the number of people who call themselves Pro Choice who want to restrict "choice" in so many other areas.)