Monday, May 4, 2009

May 3, 2009

Did you know that Earl Stanley Gardner started writing mysteries as a way of educating people about the inequities of the justice system? Gardner was a member of some activist group trying to free innocent people from prison.

8:30 AM Feeling rested and I can walk on my foot. Meeting Judy at Wendy's at eleven. Found that a small frosty is 16 points, more than my day's goal.

Aha. I knew that portions had decreased. Looked up Wendy's for 2009. Small frosty is 6 points. Met Judy and we talked for almost two hours. Then we each went home and got our dogs and met again at the dog park.
3:16 PM I think I will take a nap. Beautiful day, absolutely perfect. Would that it would remain. Slept till five.

My knee is hurting bc a storm is coming in. I sat with the girls, doing hand sewing. Helen's daughter brot a bunch of aloe vera which Oda Mae was repotting.
Watched the American Indian experience of *Geronimo*. Fascinating. Use of torture is not new for Americans.
Next week is Wounded Knee in 1973. What happened? Why did the Indians camp out there? What were they doing? I was preoccupied.

Lady Chica's Tale
Boring day. Mom was gone all morning. Not many dogs at the park. Mom sat talking with Szabo's Mom. They talk and talk and talk. Booooring.

Blitzen's Tale
Mom put a scarf on me. This is a different scarf. I love wearing clothes. Makes me feel like Mr. Cool.

Did not get a chance to read today. Have a new book on Revelation by Doug Ezell. Revelation was written for people in 100 AD, not 2000 years later.

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