Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009

Up at ten, more or less. Sun is shining. This aft Lea and I are going to Circle Theatre while the guys visit Pup. I dont dare say the word until we are ready to go.

The play was great, *Lone Star Christmas Carol*. It was a restaging of Dicken's Christmas Carol, as a musical. I did not believe they could have a musical but they had two guitars and a bass. Much of the play was the actual words of Dickenson. The play is set in Texas, in sort of a timeless rural setting. Marley is forced to wander over the face of Texas. He lists all the towns he has visited.
The actors sing songs scattered among the action. The actors are dressed in Texas regalia, complete with large belt buckles.
A narrator recites Dickens' words. At the end he introduces himself as "Tim Cratchett".

Blitzen's Tale
Lady Chica's Tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.
Pup is so glad to see them.

Stuart Wood, *Run Before the Wind*
An early Will Lee book. Will drops out of law school to roam the world. he visits his granfather in Ireland and becomes involved in building a sailing boat. The boat races across the Atlantic.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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