Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009

Leftover cherry pie for breakfast. We have had cherry pie for breakfast since 1957. Jeff has altered our routine somehwhat. This year Jeff made apple/walnut pancakes with maple syrup. We had cherry pie in the afternoon. And this year Martha made the pie, with prepared filling she bought in Wisconsin.
9:30 am and the sun is shining. The dogs ate breakfast and went off to nap. I dont know what they were doing while I was gone.
I may take a nap myself. I have to download my user manual for my camera from a CD. The world is too high tech for this old lady. I tried last night and it got all bungled in downloading something else, Adobe or Flashpoint or something.
Martha and her brood have flown off to Carbondale for Xmas with her father.

Noon. I went back to bed. Eating pie now. I feel as if I am on vacation. Nothing to get done.

We went over to the dog park. Mark F joined us as well as Cassie and her mom. Sun was shining and it was not too cold. Judy and Ken, with Szabo, were leaving as we were arriving.

Blitzen's Tale
Uncle Mark was at the dog park with us. I didn't pay him much attention. We could not get those big busters running. They just didn't get it.

Lady Chica's Tale
Lovely day at the dog park. Sun was shining. we could not get the big busters to run. And no bikes today.

I am ready for another nap. I bought a wicked ice cream mudd cake at Town Talk. And I slept two hours. I have slept a lot today. I must have been tired. Altho I miss having people around.

Rita Mae Brown, *Animal Magnetism*
This could be titled: Animals I have known. Starts with the cat her mother had when she was born. Pleasant book. Good bed time reading.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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