Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17

I made green jello to celebrate St. Patrick's day.

Off to Baptist Center. Clothing is shut down for today. We fed seventeen families from the food pantry and about 200 sack lunches. This is spring break and we did not have volunteers for clothing.
I came home and took a nap. Then off to the dog park. Lady Chica can keep up with big dogs but does not have their stamina. She has to work harder.

Temp is 82 with real feel of 79. In the sun it is hot.

When I turned on the tv for Jim Lehrer news hour, Blitzen started barking at the t.v. He barked and barked and barked. Finally he went away and hid under the bed. I watched Nova which talked about Pisarro conquering the Incas. The Spanish had horses. The narrator made an interesting comment, that it took Europeans several centuries to learn how to counter a cavalry charge. I had never considered that. I know that the English foot soldiers defeated French cavalry at Crecy, and I had always wondered why they hadn't done it sooner. They had to learn how.

Bill Crider, *A Romantic Way to Die*
Sheriff Dan Rhodes police procedural. Small town in Texas. This is less funny than some of Crider's. Setting is a writer's conference, romance writers.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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