Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I am fascinated by genetics. Since the use of DNA, categorization has changed. Wolves, dogs , coyotes and dingos are now considered each a sub species. Experts can distinguish wolf skull from dog skull. I think it is those OFF and ON genes again. Dingos may become extinct bc of mixing with domestic dogs. In the eastern US wolves and coyotes have mixed to become a new breed, grey wolves.

A prof at Wayne State wants to throw chimps and bonobos into the genus, homo. It would mess up the fossils, however.

CALL THE DO NOT CALL NUMBER. I guess those five years have expired and we need to call a number on our cell phone in order to prevent telemarketing calls.

This is not a joke. I have called the number and registered my cell phone.

Made a library run, stopped at Senior Center to read a cartoon in the paper and keep up my membership, picked up Puerto Vallarta pics. Exhausted by all that activity, I took a nap and suddenly it was 4:30. PPQS is being taken out to dinner tonight.

Asked what I wanted to eat, I replied that i craved a hamburger. So we went to JayJay's. I had a hamburger and rhubarb pie. I didn't know that rhubarb is a northern delicacy.

Home early and to bed.

Philip Craig, *Vineyard Stalker*
A man came back from Vietnam, where he had been a sniper, built a litle hut and lived a monastic life, presumably in penance for killing people in Nam. His aunt gave him a life time lease, but when she died his cousin wanted to sell the property. So she had to get rid of him. J.W. was hired to find the vandals who were hassling the Monk.

I took three books back to library unread. I could not finish *EyeStroke*, could not start a jeffry Deaver book, had already read twice *Murder One*. I have figured out I like mysteries where the murder occurs off stage, as it were. I get scared reading about the murder itself.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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