Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009

I stayed up until 2 AM reading and then I had dreams. Woke at 8:30.

Carol O'Connell, *Bone by Bone*
Suspense thriller. O'Connell's novels are always a little precarious. Josh Hobbs was 14 when he went for a hike in the woods and vanished. Twenty years later, somebody begins to leave his bones, one by one, on his fa's porch. Oren Hobbs, his older brother. leaves his job as a warrant officer in the Army CID and returns to Coventry, CA. to find his bro's killer. Josh was a buddying photographer who liked to take pictures of people, pictures that revealed secrets. The novel is also revealing of the inner life of Oren Hobbs.

Blitzen's Tale
8 AM My tummy is singing little songs. I didn't eat my breakfast. Then I went out and ate grass.
I felt better by bedtime. Ate my supper.

Well, I went back to bed. Now it is almost 2 PM. Lea and John are back from vacation. So we are going over there tonight. PPQS: Philosophy and Paleontology Quilting Society.

I did scrapbooking tonight. I am making a scrapbook out of pictures from our trip to Puerto Viarta. Susan stopped by, a friend of ours from UU church. Lea of course invited her to dinner. We had smashed potatoes, tabouli and sausage. Yummy. I turned own pie in favor of berries and yogurt.

Lady Chica's tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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