Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9, 2009

Forgot to set the alarm but woke up naturally. 81^ at 8 AM. Off to religious services.

Lady Chica's Tale
This is the day that Mom gets all dressed up and goes away all day. Well, almost all day. She has special shoes she wears. I guess we might as well take a nap. I see Oda mae and Russ get all dressed up and go away.

Sunday school and church. We read the Psalm in Sunday School used in the sermon. I get more out of the sermon that way. Today was a good sermon about crying out from the depths. it was a Psalm.

I read an article about the intelligence of dogs. Herding dogs always come out first but I think that is a racial bias --- human race. Herding dogs are probably number one in interaction with humans. Hounds smell. That is a different kind of intelligence.
I never hear of blue heelers being tested. They are super smart but it is "feral". Lady Chica was twice as good as any puppy in puppy class. At graduation they began giving prizes to the dog coming in second bc she was getting them all. But get her home and she never heard of sit or stay or whatever.
Herding dogs have to anticipate where the sheep or cattle are going next.
Blitzen is super smart and he is a terrier/hound mix, not noted for intelligence. He is aware of anything in his environment.

Took a nap. I wake up thinking it is morning and wondering what day it is.

At 6:30 PM the dogs were getting impatient; so off we went to the dog park. Days are getin shorter. The shade crept over our table half an hour ealier. Szabo and friends turned up and we chatted. Holly arrived. She talks about herself almost exclusively. Finally Lady Chica was ready to go home. She was so tired she was almost too tired to jump in the car.

Blitzen's Tale
We stayed at the dog park for a long time. We ran so much that after a while I was too tired to get up and chase bicycles. A horse walked past and we chased him.

Bill Crider, *murder Among the Owls*
Older Women's League. Just a nifty title. Sheriff Dan Rhodes in TX. The neighbor's cat strays into Rhodes' kitchen, and he goes to check on the neighbor, finding her dead on her kitchen floor. I did not guess the killer's identity.
Rhodes wonders why male animals are termed, "fixed". He thinks they should be called, "broken".

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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