Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23, 2009

Woke up at 7:40 AM. So I decided to get to Sunday school.

Glad I went to SS. We had a good discussion.
I liked the sermon. I like our new pastor's sermons. He just talks.

Our table at the fellowship lunch was hilarious. Sort of synergistic effect. Beverly would label me "an early 20th century progressive".
Uncle Mark was there. He labels me Dr. M. for Dr. Marching. Once i sang "marching thru Georgia". He says that is like singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" in Bagdad.

Now for a nap.

Dogs got restless about 6:30. They ran and ran so much that lady Chica beat us to the gate going home. All the dog park regulars were amazed. Judy, Ken and Szabo were there. I am tired tonight.

Blitzens Tale
Szabo got right hostile tonight and growled at me when I was trying to mount the same dog he was. That dog kept coming back to our bench. His dad would take him away and the little dog came back.

Lady Chica's Tale
Well, I indulged Buddy tonight and raced with him for a long time. His mom says he cries when he gets to the park and knows I am there. Chance came too late tonight. I was exhausted. Blitzen and Szabo were being their insufferable little selves.

Tony Hillerman, *Shape Shifter*
I am reading Hillerman's books over again. In this book, a friend sends Leaphorn a picture in a magazine showing a navaho rug which supposedly burned in a fire. The rug was woven in 1860 to commerate the long walk back from being interned in a fort. So Leaphorn, retired, starts investigating, actually, a shape changer.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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