Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

We slept in until eleven and went directly to the dog park. A breeze was blowing and it was cool in the shade. The dogs just lay around. I had a chance to read.

Lady Chica's Tale
I just lay around on the table. No use running in the sun. Then mom was gone all day.

Blitzen's Tale
There was a little girl Boston I tried to hump. Her dad didn't like that. They finally went over in the big dog side. Lots of little dogs were hassling.

Martha picked me up at 2:15 PM. Spent the afternoon and evening hanging out. Jeff and martha were cooking. Cooking. Cooking. Stuff from Thailand. Something called Beef that made the Tiger cry. It was good.

They brot me home just in time to see Mystery. Inspector Lewis. Take off on the old Inspector Morse series. Good program.

John Lescroart, *The Vig*
Vigorish (vig) is Yiddish slang for winnings. It is the interest paid on a loan from a loan shark. It takes a long time for this to have meaning in this book.

Dismas Hardy series. Fourth book of a series which is like a continued story. In book three Dis finds the killer of Eddie Cochran. Four months lateer, in this book, he is romancing the widow who is pregnant. In the most recent book in 2009 Dis and Frannie have sent three kids off to college.
A convict Dis sent away when he was an assistant DA is out on parole and gunning for Dis. A second DA is missing presumed dead. I looked at the last chapter. So I missed the surprise.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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