Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23

Brave New World: science fiction: Skype rang and I answered to find my sister staring at me. video phone.

At 10 AM I got online and opened email. Juday had written that she would be in park at 10. So off we went. Immediately. I saw Judy in the far distance walking Szabo. Man was running lawn mower in small dog park. Decided to try Big Dog. Left the leash trailing with Blitzen. He immediately ran to the two places he got out. He has a memory!!! He tried each place. Ran along the fence checking. Then tried first place. No good. Tried second place and out he went. Went sparkling over the soccer field.

I dont know if he saw Szabo or what. He came circling back to the gate and came in. I took the dogs and went to meet Judy. We went into Big Dog park. I kept Blitzen on a leash and we sat in the shelter. Finally mower left and we went in Little Dog park. We stayed for another hour chatting. Both of us are radical leftists. So we were shouting about torture.

We left about noon. I took some fabric over to Paulette to leave on her porch. Her daughter teaches third grade in Keller. She wants to teach sewing, make pin cushions. Kids are low poverty and cant afford fabric and such. I am so happy to give away some fabric.

The sales associate cutting my fabric at Hobby Lobby suggested that when I die, instead of a wake the survivors can have a "stash party". Listen up, Martha.

NPR had an author, woman anthropologist who has a book speculating that speech arose from mothers talking to babies. Woman anthropologists speculate in different directions from men.

Watched the telly this evening. At least I could understand CSI. Then watched on PBS MI-5, a British movie. Went too fast.

Lady Chica's Tale
We had to go in the Big Dog side and I was scared. Blitzen was being a naughty boy. he got out of the field but he came back. Szabo's mom came and we talked.

Blitzen's Tale
Woo hoo I had a great time. We went in the Big Dog side and i remember where I could get out. Mom had my leash trailing but that didn't stop me. I went whipping around and came back. I know she gets upset but it is so much fun.
She kept watching tv tonight. I hate that tv.

Iris Johansen, *Dark Summer*
I failed to read the dust cover which said "paranormal elements". I was into the book before I realized it was weird. There is a "healing dog". Good writing and a good story. Recommended only for paranormals.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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