Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

We went to the dog park. Just another day. The park is a deangerous place. A woman got hit on the head with a ball. A man was using that lever thing to throw a ball and it hit a woman.

Finally a shooter who is not a sociology major. Georgia prof is in dept of marketing. I wonder why he shot three people. Interesting story.
Complaint: The stories about octomom are always in video. Why cant somebody print a story?

Lady Chica's Tale
We got a pack of big dogs running. That was fun. They were leapfrogging over each other. Mom gave me a great bone. She says it is an occo something. I think means bone. She ate out the marrow.

Blitzen's Tale
We got them busters running this morning. Piles of them, falling all over each other. Mom always gives Chica the best of everything. She got a bone and I didn't.
[Editor's note. I give Chica messy things bc she eats in her cage. Blitzen takes anything out to the living room rug.]

I vote two thumbs down on the play tonight. The production was superb, both acting and sets. The play was by Stephen Shephard. I read his biography and this was autobiographical. There was no conclusion, just insanity. A man beats up his wife, causing brain damage. He disociates. everybody else in the play is crazy. And so it goes.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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