Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1

Tuesday night. I am too tired even to read. I guess it is good to get some exercise. Blitzen comes back after 30 minutes, but I am so fearful he will be killed.
I watched PBS Frontline tonight about health care in America. I was uninsured for twenty years but I am healthy.

Wednesday morning. I am hobbling around this morning. I have tasks I want to do, hobbling tho I am. Temp will be highest at 3 PM.

Went to Dollar General and came home dragging a 20 pound bag of potting soil. Got the most urgent rubber tree repotted. it was in a pot with no hole at the bottom.
Took a nap. Martha came over to have me check on her new suit. She wanted a woman's eye and I am an expert on fitting.
Then off to the dog park. Gorgeous day.

On NPR I heard a man who has written a book, *One Nation Under Dog*. He believes dog parks are good places to socialize and meet people. Says there are politics of dog parks. One issue is humping. He says, "Dogs hump." Some parks ignore it and others are upset.

Lady Chica's Tale
We got a pack going on each side of the fence. That little black dog in the picture was there. He is faster than I am. I hate to admit that. We just spent most of the time going back and forth. Mom had to drag in the little black dog's mom in order to catch me to go home.

Blitzen's Tale
I really got those big bruisers going today. I just stand there at the fence and tell them what I would do if I could just get at "em over the fence. I guess I got enuf exercise tonight. I can just lie down.

Did not have time to read today. Too much going on. Chatted with a man at dog park and did not even read there.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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