Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30

At 7 am I fed dogs and we all went back to sleep. Finally got up at 9 to feed myself. I intend to spend the day resting after I check on cell phone. I charged cell phone and it died. My dogs know at least three words: walk, pup, park, eat (not sure this is distinguishable from treat - reaction is the same). They also watch me put on shoes or jeans.

Do you know what is wrong with my phone? I did not know how to turn it on. The EXIT button turns it both off and on. When it finished charging it turned itself off.
After getting my phone turned on we went to Lake Woof. (the dog park). We were the only mammals there. Knightly was there and went home. Drops began to fall and we returned.

Ft. Worth has shut down all schools for a week. They are washing everything down with clorox. one case of swine flu in FW. Mayfest has been cancelled. I suspect the thought has to do with the large percentage of Latinos in the population.

Took a rest. Watched CSI. I think I am bored with tv programs.

Lady Chica's Tale
Mom had some sense this morning. She got up and fed us. We drove all over and waited in the car and finally got to the dog park. I am still fatigued from yesterday at Pup's. We were outdoors for a long time.

Blitzen's Tale
Well, I warned that old Knightly off and he left us alone and went home.

P.D. James, *Private Patient*
The author is now 95 years old. She marries off Adam Dalgleish in this book. So this may be her last one. A woman is having an old scar removed. She stays at a manor run by the plastic surgeon where she is strangled. After the surgery. It is rather a long, dull book.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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