Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

I skipped church this morning. I woke at 7 and it was raining. I went back to bed. At 9:30 the sky was threatening. I finally got up at 11. The sky is clearing.
The night was too much for me. About 3 AM I woke and the sky was pink from continual lightning. I kept reassuring the dogs that if we didn't hear thunder it was OK, that the lightning was far away. I had unplugged my computer so that I was not worried about that cooking. The rain came down in sheets. I kept hoping we would not get hail. All in all, it was a scary experience. Not rationally but emotionally.

We are not even going to the dog park today. I have had enough driving in the rain.

2 PM The storms are over, I guess. Temp is 55 degrees but it feels warm. I have the outer door open. Going to take another nap.
Portugese water dog is a distant cousin of the poodle. Like the poodle, Bo has hair rather than fur, thus cutting down on allergic reaction.

I lay down trying to take a nap. The dogs were restless. So I gave in and went to dog park. The temp was up to 66 degrees, the sun was shining. It was pleasant. The park was clogged with a convention of low riders. Not many dogs. I need to look up low riders.

Apparently low riders are just a fad. Chicano fad. I saw one car with suspension that could go up or down. I saw doors going up and lots of stuff. I couldn't understand why.

Lady Chica's Tale
I was awake last night and it was scary. I snuggled up with Mom and she kept saying it was OK but I didn't understand what she was talking about. We lay around all day and finally went to the park later. Lots of dogs were willing to race.

Blitzen's Tale
We lay around all day until I got fractious and talked Mom into going to the park. There were a lot of cars all over but not many dogs. We did find some to race with us.

Catherine Coulter, *Point Blank*, FBI thriller
What kind of book is this? The killer rides off into the sunset and we never find out where the sheriff's wife disappeared. Sherlock and Shiver are tracking serial killers, while Ruth gets hit on the head in a cave where she is treasure hunting. Later she finds a corpse.

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