Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009

I want to go on record as highly recommending End of Life counseling.
I spent three months arguing with Libby. She did not want to go on hospice. It made no sense until she told me that she heard a story about somebody being on machines and when they pulled the plug the person was still alive. And it was hospice.
Well, I explained that hospice did not put people on machines.
When the hospital personnel came around asking about resusication (sp?) Libby was too highly medicated to understand what they were talking about.

All in all, life would be simpler if one made decisions when one was in one's right mind.

Sunday morning. I got up, ate breakfast and went back to bed. Skipping religious services. I sort of ache.

Lady Chica's Tale
We went walking in the rain and got all wet. That was fun.

Blitzen's Tale
Lots and lots of smells when it is wet. Wow.

It kept raining and raining and raining but the dogs had to go out. So forth we went bravely and the dogs loved it. (See above). We got all wet. I really didn't mind. I cant seem to dredge up any energy today.

Fui Fui Fui. PBS is having a fund drive and did not show Mystery (Lewis). Fui. Channel 13-2 is showing again Bill Moyer. He is interviewing a photojournalist from Afghanistan. I missed part of this on Friday.

John Erickson, *# 18 Hank the Cowdog, The Case of the Hooking Bull*
A neighboring bull keeps getting into Hank's pasture. Slim tries to lasso the bull and in the resulting melee, Hank bites the bull on the nose and saves Slim and is a hero.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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