Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17, 2009

I woke up and wow!!! it was 10:15 am. I had to dash to make Wendy's by eleven. Judy and I shifted schedule this week. Ken had surgery on his finger on Monday. Ken takes pain pills and sleeps but Judy is getting tired of having somebody underfoot.
drove over to Half Price books to spend my xmas gift card. Got Jane Haddam books.

A talking head on NPR says that one motivation for collecting something is that it makes a statement about us. So what statement does my tee shirt collection make about me? Each has a message or a picture. I read other's tee shirts but I get the idea that most people dont even read the tee they are wearing.
The colletion tht Marilyn has bequethed me are mostly "blouses" that are like tee shirts.

Took a nap. Dreamed that Judy B was walking around handing out bologna sandwiches. Now off to the dog park. Sun is shining. Rain has stopped.

Only Ray was there in the small dog park (with Charlie, Maggie and Heidi, all weiner dogs). Chance was there to race with Lady Chica. Chica and Chance celebrate their friendship by racing. Chance's Mom said she was so happy we came. She says Chance and Chica "rev each other up."
Came home and took a nap before MI 5. Happily the session ended and was not continued. I thot there was a point of drama when it would be continued.

Lady Chica's Tale
Chance was there tonight at the dog park and we ran and ran. I stopped and rested for a while. She is twice my size and has longer legs and she is younger. She looks like a pointer but she is mostly white.

Blitzen's Tale
Old Chance was there tonight and we had a good run. I dont have as much stamina as I did but I can still run.

Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson, *The Battle for America 2008*
The story of an extraordinary election.
How this book can be suspenseful I cannot imagine, but i am reading with bated breath. Who will win the Democratic primary? I am seeing another side of Obama, how he learns. He was defeated in the early debates but he learned. Gives me hope for the futurre.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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