Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 19, 2009

Blitzen got us up in the middle of the night. He seems to think that is our schedule. Then I incorporated the alarm clock into my dreams.
I am going to be late for SS but I am dressing to go.

We had a political debate in Sunday School over social justice. We are studying the prophets in the Hebrew Bible. What do they mean for today? Our teacher even mentioned health care.

Church was interesting. It was missionary Sunday. The text was about jesus saying that if you fed and clothed one of these you have fed and clothed me. So we who worked in Baptist Center were asked to stand up and the congregation recognized us as missionaries. I thoroly enjoyed it.

Lunch in fellowship hall with my buddies. Then home for a nap. Off to the dog park. Chance and Buddy were there but my dogs wouldn't run. Poor Chance tried climbing the fence to get over to join the grp who were chasing a bicycle. Buddy and Chance cried and barked for the whole hour.

Lady Chica's Tale
Chance and Buddy were there but I didn't feel like running in the sunshine. The western fence was in the shade. I scratched my nose and it bled.

Blitzen's Tale
Old Chance and Buddy were there wanting to run. I dont like to run in the sunshine. They were big cry babies.

7 PM Waiting for Mystery.

Clyde W. Ford, *Duece's Wild*
Deuce F is a hip hop musician who becomes a Sufi. John Shannon, code name Shango, is an investigator for Mayor's Office of Security who is assigned to check out Deuce F now with a Sufi name. Shannon thinks Deuce is benign. The following day deuce is shot outside a night club. Shannon's teen age son is devastated and begs his dad to find the shooter. So begins the adventure. Interesting info about Sufi which is a sub set of Islam. They are the whirling dervishes.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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