Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

Up and out to the dog park by 9 AM. Lawn mower was mowing just outside the fence and the dogs chased non stop. Blitzen goes beserk after running for a while. This must be how beagles sustain running for hours. After 45 minutes I decided to go home. Crossing the parking lot Blitz saw a bike. He weighs 28 pounds but he is so strong. I held him on two legs by his harness. he sqwaked and squirmed and bit the leash. I managed to get to the car.

Lady Chica's Tale
I have collapsed. We chased and chased and chased that old lawn mower running outside the fence. I finally got tired and was ready to come home but Blitzen would run till he dropped.

Blitzen's Tale
Leta was right that as far as I am concerned, humans are Southern Baptists. every time I have fun Mom stops me. I was having fun and Mom dragged me off to the car. I fought as best I could. I bit her shorts.

After lunch I went over to Marilyn's. We sorted clothes and I brought home three leaf bags full, all jeans and tops. I plan to give a lot to Baptist Center. I already have too many clothes. She is giving away a beautiful table and chair set to Mission Arlington. (You may remember that Marilyn is moving.)

Listened to President Obama's speech tonight. It was truly moving. Both David Brooks and Mark Shields agreed. (They are commentators on PBS Newshour.) My prediction is that the Democrats will pass a bill. I am on Medicare and I am happy, mostly.

Medicare Advantage (like Secure Horizons and Humana) offer free Silver sneakers. Nancy at Baptist Center felt it was immoral to sign up with Secure Horizons bc it charges govt 114%.

Ellen Ruppel Shell, *Cheap* The High Cost of Discount Culture
non fiction. I have only started to read this but I have heard an interview with the author on NPR. I must have *seen* an interview on PBS. The author says we respond to Sale signs. I am thinking of having purchased "10 for $10" at Krogers and I have a lifetime supply of Countrytime Lemonade.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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