Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 6, 2009

Last night Lady Chica played her little trick on me. She stood at the door wanting to go out. When I went to get the leash she dashed over and picked up a crumb. What a wily little girl.

Baptist Center. Readers ask if we have more business these days. Our church is in the inner city and our people were already on the bottom. Lots of people come from Mental Health Day Care, So our population just continues. We can only serve our zip code in the food pantry.

Came home and slept the afternoon away.

Lea is down with a virus. She's been to the dr and it is not the flu. We went to the dog park as the sun had gone down. Chance and Buddy were there to run with my dogs. There was a sort of aggressive Akita but my dogs handled themselves well. LC wanted to play with him.

Lady Chica's Tale
Chance and Buddy and a lot of other dogs were running. Chance was running so fast that Buddy got in her way and she went to jump over Buddy and landed on his back. Wow.

Blitzen's Tale
Did a lot of running with a pack of those big busters. There was a big old St Bernard who got in everybody's way. He did't run, just got in the way.

John Sanford, *Wicked Prey*
Luke Davenport police procedural. Story is set in August 2008 when the Republican convention was in town. A gang of cut throats is robbing people who are there with illegal campaign contributions.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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