Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 4, 2009

Up at eleven and off to the dog park. I came home exhausted. I took Lady Chica through the agility course. Then a little girl wanted to take Lady Chica thru the agility course. Of course LC would not stir without me. So we ran around the course. Then the little girl wanted to take Blitzen. He would not stir w/o me. So we ran around the course again. Blitzen knew exactly what to do, the old crumb bum. The little girl was faster than I am and could catch the leash as Blitzen came out of the tunnels.
Fortunately the little girl lost interest and ran off.

Lady Chica's Tale
I got quite a workout this morning. First Mom took me around that stupid agility course. Then this little girl wanted to teach me how to go thru the course. Of course I wouldn't stir unless Mom went with us.

Blitzen's Tale
This little girl wanted to teach me to run the agility course. I already knew how but I never let Mom know I knew how. The little girl was faster than a gecko and grabbed my leash and dragged me to the next thing.

Came home and took a nap. Now almost four. I guess I could get the sheets changed. I got a new comforter from Martha (new to me). Blitzen rips up comforters!!!! then Lady Chica pulls out the stuffing.

I took another nap. And the evening stretches before me. I laid in a supply of books for the weekend. Everything is so quiet. Oda Mae and Russ (next door neighbors) took off for two weeks in Ohio, their annual family reunion. Usually I can hear a murmur of the telly. And so it goes.

Robert Barnard, *Blood Brotherhood*
Classic mystery published in 1977. Barnard is still writing mysteries. This mystery is set in an Anglican monstery in the Yorkshire moors. The Community is hosting a symposium on the role of the Church in the modern world. The first night one of the community is found murdered in his own cell. The writing is witty.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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