Saturday, June 7, 2008

Scottish games

Up at the ungodly hour of 8 AM. I will do chores and sew until noon. Then we go over to Lea the librarian's where the dogs will play in the back yard while Lea, her sister, two of her sister's grandchildren and I go to the Scottish Games.

The Fort Worth Fire Department is apologizing after a large grass fire broke out at Gateway Park Thursday night, NBC 5 reported.

I have a pair of modern cargo pants. The side pockets are small for cell phone.
6:30 PM I am happily exhausted, can barely walk. The Scottish games are held at UTA Maverick Stadium. We make the rounds of the vendors. Lea is Clan Henderson and visits the Clan tent. Martha is Clan Bruce and I got a brochure for her. I think really that clans are patrilineal. Lea got her annual shot of whiskey. I had a root beer float.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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