Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stone Kiss

One victim of the gas crunch -- victims of the gas crunch are the antique malls in Arlington. Vendors cannot afford to drive around searching for sale items. This is one change I had not anticipated.
Peach cobbler for breakfast. Off to Baptist Center.

This afternoon I listened to tape of Faye Kellerman, *Stone Kiss* As the final casette rolled I suddenly knew how it turned out, that I had read this before.
The title comes from the Biblical story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob and Esau were the sons of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Esau was the oldest by ten minutes and would receive his father's blessing and the largest share of the inheritance.
Jacob was wiley, however. One day Esau came home from hunting, voraciously hungry, and Jacob talked him into trading his birth right for a mess of pottage (some kind of bean soup).
After their father died, Jacob decided to bug out. He went far away to live with his cousin or uncle or some kin. Many years later Jacob came home with his two wives, children, and herds. Esau came out to meet him and kissed him and they lived happily ever after.
Rina said, however, that some Jewish scholars believe that Esau did not intend to kiss Jacob, that he intended to bite Jacob's throat and kill him. When he tried to bite Jacob's throat, God changed the throat to stone. Hence stone kiss.
How that applies to the story you have to read and find out.

We went to the park tonight. I am so tired. I did not get to sleep this afternoon.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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