Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, 2009

The alarm sounded at 7 and I reset for 9. Off to tai chi. I think I read too many thrillers. I spent the nght acting out thrillers. Another heat advisory.

Blitzen was peeing on empty this morning. I guess he used it all up at Pup's. I got Food Bank and did tai chi. Ready for a nap. Shall I eat lunch? I am hand sewing the binding on our latest quilt, witches for Trish.

Reader asks what is "wet work"? Euphemism for assassination. Special Ops do wet work Last night one of our good characters cold bloodedly killed a scientist working on the plague.

More and more is coming out about Michael Jackson. Reportedly he took 10 xanax per night (at times 30 or 40). Even Dr. Gupta on CNN is amazed. I take three naps and sleep all night without anything. If I take an anti-histamine it is worse.

I am horrified. The Chairman of the State Board of Education in Texas believes in creationism. Horrors. Horrors. Horrors.

Blitzen manifested new behavior. Lady Chica was sitting beside me on the couch. Instead of standing and barking, Blitzen leaped onto the back and snuggled down behind us. He likes to hide under things.

Blitzen's Tale
All night Mom gets up and down, up and down, up and down. I have to get up to check on her. I just wish she would sleep all night.

Well, I decided that dogs needed exercise and went to the dog park. Lady Chica and Buddy saw each other and instantly began racing. You should see LC run. The park was pleasant in the shade. Came home.
Bill Moyers was talking about health care reform. His programs depress me. He has talking heads telling about the insurance companies. Then I watched "Old Tricks" and "Waking the Dead".

James Grippando, *Intent to Kill*
Novel of suspense I read nonstop. recommended for thrillheads. Ryan James is a minor league baseball player whose wife is killed in a car crash. On the third year anniversary somebody leaves a message, "It Was not an Accident". I never did figure out why that started at that time. Anyhow...
Anonymous tip follows anonymous tip. Two more people are killed. What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
The novel ends happily. Ryan had dropped his career when his wife was killed. Now he started again. The epilogue has Ryan hitting a home run in his first appearance at Fenway Park. Note to Readers: Ryan was playing for Red Sox.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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