Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

The dogs began to go beserk. I was sleeping so well I slept thru a lot. Finally I remembered that today is Thursday and these are the lawnmowers. They leaped into bed with a thump and one on each side demanded that I pet them. Finally we all went to sleep --briefly before they came back. I was hungry. So I got up.

Where has the day gone? I did some sewing. Oh, yes. I made bread but it was a failure. I knew my yeast had expired but I tried it and the bread is just hunks. Took a nap. While I was napping we had a small shower which watered my plants. Made a library run bc I had five books on hold. I order them on line from the Metroplex.
Smithsonian had an article I wanted to read on Neanderthals but Richland Hills somehow did not hve July issue.
Now I am off to Lea's. We are going to present our quilt to Trish. Trish is a librarian friend of Lea (who once worked at Central Arlington). We are just giving it for love.

It was a satisfying experience. Then I stayed for supper. We had fresh asparagus and sweet corn. Yeah summer!!!!

Lady Chica's Tale
Had a great time at Pup's. Plenty of squirrels to chase. John feeds the birds and squirrels and mice. There is a family of mice that lives under the tree but I cant catch them.

Blitzen's Tale
Lots of things to investigate in Pup's back yard. He is so lucky to live there all the time. We just live in this stuffy old house. With a little trip to the dog park once a day.

Watched MI5 tonight. I enjoyed tonight's episode. And I was so glad Will is united with Zoe in Chile.

Tony Hillerman, *Dance Hall of the Dead*
According to Hillerman, Dance Hall of the Dead is the Zuni idea of the afterlife where one spends eternity dancing. (ceremonial dancing, like Christians plan to dance around the throne of God). A young Zuni boy is found murdered. Leaphorn is seeking the boy's Navaho friend. The Navaho boy is seeking the Zuni Dance Hall of the Dead in order to find absolution for learning secret Zuni beliefs.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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