Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15, 2009

I cant help but mention politics. Texas cant meet the demands of unemployment compensation. People will get delayed checks.!!! And our governor turned down federal stimulus money.
My massage therapist's new favorite song is:

God is great,
Beer is Good,
People are crazy.

Yesterday our new pastor appeared in the Baptist Center. For a minute I thot he was one of the homeless coming for a sack lunch. He is not prepossessing.

Wednesday morning. Up at 7 for breakfast. Then back to bed.

At ten Martha (my daughter) woke me bringing my bday present: a new Singer sewing machine. Yeah. She went home to pack for a trip to Green Bay WI for a wedding. Temp at 10:15 am is 86 and rea feel is 90. It is much cooler today.
At 1:45 temp is only 97. I can keep the house cool today. Yesterday the AC couldn't keep it cool. I cannot get oriented today. Time to go to the farmer's market.

Only 101 this afternoon. I took another nap. Off to PPQS, Lea and John. I met Lea and John at the Unitarian Church where I was a member for ten years. John was and is the facilitator of a support group at the Church.

Lady Chica's Tale and Blitzen's Tale
What happens at Pup's stays at Pup's.

Truly I have no idea what they do there. John gives them a treat and Blitzen buries his. Then he digs it up and buries it in a different place. I dont know what that is about.

Tony Hillerman, *Blessing Way*
First Joe Leaphorn novel, published in 1970. So strange to visualize Leaphorn as a young man not to mention a pic of Hillerman on the dust jacket. Blessing Way is the sing given Leaphorn and his cousins when they went off to Nam. I think he was a Marine. In this novel an Enemy Way is held to send back to a witch his poison. Leaphorn believes in evil people.

The dust jacket answers a question I have long had: how can Hillerman be so into Navaho culture. Well, as a kid he went to grade school as a day student at a boarding school for Indian girls.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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