Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

I spent the night crawling across the rice paddies of Bataan peninsula or hiding in the jungles of Vienam. I am tired and sore. Also depressed.
Last night I watched Bill Moyers, once more a talking head on health care reform and the power of the insurance companies. In my opinion the only hope for reform is grass roots organization. I was inspired by the documentary about the women of Liberia.
I think the seeds may be the doc in the box in CVS and Walmart (altho not in Texas) TX requires an MD not a nurse practioner.

At noon I took a nap. All I want to do is sleep, and the dogs bark at me to take a nap. Truly. Temp is only 95 but feels like 107. It must be the terrible humidity.
At 2:30 PM I have finished one long side of the hemming. The place is so quiet. Everybody is inside. Temp is now 97. Feels like 1097.

I slept again. Temp is 100. The day lingers on.

at 6:30 Blitzen began barking at me that he wanted to go to the park. So we went. It was still warm. Lady Chica and Buddy saw each other simultaneously and began racing. They raced and raced and raced. Blitzen raced, too.
We had not been there long when Ken, Judy and Szabo appeared. Szabo is a white American Eskimo dog. He and Blitzen are both dominant dogs. They sort of ignore each other.
We sat around for an hour or so.

Lady Chica's Tale
We slept all day. It was hot. Buddy was at the park tonight and we had fun racing each other. Szabo turned up, too, but he never races.

Blitzen's Tale
We had fun at the park tonight. Lots of big bruisers were racing. None of the other little dogs seems to get the picture. One little puppy kept getting in the way and getting stepped on.

Bart D. Ehrman, *Misquoting Jesus*
The story behind who changed the Bible and why. Written for lay people who dont know Greek nor Hebrew. Fun style for easy reading. I knew a great deal of the content, but I had not thot about how often the manuscripts were copied. Over and over and over by hired professionals.
I was never a believer in the inerrant Bible. The author tells how he went from a born again teen ager to a professor.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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