Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2, 2009

At 9 AM I made a forced march sans dogs -- I lasted five minutes before hips cramped. My goal is to make it 30 minutes. I am not taking dogs out until lawn mowers leave. I cant handle Blitzen.

_____________________ is my neighbor across the central pathway. (I cant think of her name at 9:30)
She came by bringing hot muffins and a strip of bacon for breakfast.

I am determined to sew, sew, sew.

Well, I have done quite a bit today. Took a long nap. Sewing more. it is rather boring to sew strips and press and pin and sew and press and pin. Making log cabin blocks, 45 of them. Some finished.

At seven we made a library run then went to dog park. Buddy, Chica's friend, a nondescript generic dog, barked and barked for Lady Chica to race him, but she wouldn't run. Finally she did one race up and back along the fence. Several big dogs barked and barked, but my dogs would not run. They just lay around.

I may give Blitzen too much credit. (Oh, no my readers say!!!) I turned on the telly to watch MI5 and he barked and barked. Finally he went in and hid under the bed. Two minutes before the show ended he was out barking again. I think he has figured out one hour. Dogs have a strange sense of time. I have watched MI5 for several weeks, and it is always one hour.

Lady Chica's Tale
Well, Buddy was at the park tonight but it was too hot to be running. Lots of people on the big dog side know my name. Amazing, isn't it?

Blitzen's Tale
Mom watched that blasted television tonight. I hate that sucker. I dont know what she gets out of it. It just makes noise.

Ted Conover, *Coyotes*
The years are 1984-1985. Conover traveled for a year with illegal Mexican immigrants. He went to Phoenix and came to know some. Then they flew to Los Angeles. This chapter is a hoot. The Mexicans have no idea what they are doing as Teodoro guides them through the airports. Then Ted goes to Florida. He works with the men. He says picking oranges is skilled labor when you have to pick enough to make a living. He goes down into Mexico and drives a truck for four months. Then he crosses the border with a group. The illegals are caught by la Migra and deported. Ted then goes home.

Coyotes are the men who smuggle illegals across the border and give them rides to the farms where they will be working.
Hugs, Dr. Liz

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