Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009

Up at 9 even without the doglets. I miss them so much. Lingering aftereffects of antihistamine. I dread, dread, dread taking the car in. Short shower of rain. Rolling thunder in the distance.
Reciting AlAnon slogans to dispel the blues. I have had five or six offers of help. Friends care.

I walked home and I had two offers of a ride. And I had to argue with the shop owner to let me walk. I took the car up the road to Friday Car Repair. The radiator is gone, water just gushing out. It should be fixed today.
I am feeling so much better. At least I know what the trouble is.
I walked home. It is cool and just sprinkling. Feels so good. I wanted to prove to myself that the car is within walking distance.
I was really bummed out about the car. Without a car one is helpless in this area. Altho I can get a Rider Request bus to the mall.
I moved here bc they had a van going to Walmart twice a week but with the gas price a year ago all that is stopped. We have five or six vacancies and everything is ----

After that I took a nap. I am so energized with the cool weather. Only 81 at 5 PM. I am changing sheets and cleaning house. The car is almost fixed. Mechanic will give me a ride. Then I am going to go get the piglets.

Neighbors brot me some watermelon. Neighbors are having car problems. I think it is the terrible heat. Stresses the car.

I am fascinated reading the dust jackets of the first books of authors who become popular later, such as Tony Hillerman who is now an icon.

I finally got my car at 7 PM. The mechanic put in a new fan for the radiator. All in all, I am happy with the results. Drove over to Lea's and picked up the dogs. They seem to think coming home is just ordinary.

Lady Chica's tale
Well, she finally came and picked us up. I dont know what the holdup has been. I have had a good time and today was just great. Nice and cool.

Blitzen's tale
Well, we're home. Today has been nice and cool. Sorry to say goodbye to Ol Pup. Maybe he is glad to have us leave him in peace. He never says.

Randy Wayne White, *Ten Thousand Islands*
Doc Ford is a marine biologist in Florida. He makes a living selling marine specimens to schools and universities. This novel hinges on Indian artifacts.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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