Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009

Temp is 75 degrees. Cool. I feel like running.

The Case of the Dueling Sunday School Classes
Classes were divided into two teams to raise money for VanZandt Xmas Store. [Broadway sets up a store for kids in Van Z elementary school to "buy" presents for family. Broadway has adoped Van Z.]
Well, the losing team has to bring breakfast for winning team. That is thi morning. I am on winning team altho I did nothing. Gotta be there early by 9 AM.

Oh, my. It was a long table with varous scrambled eggs, burrito, seventeen different kinds of sweet rolls. fruit. Stuffed I wended my way to class. We studied the text the preacher preached on. Made it more meaningful. Text from Corinthians about Paul and the thorn in his side. New pastor. Good sermon. He has such a nice tone of voice.
Lunch in fellowship hall. Various people presented skits to welcome the new pastor. Broadway has some talented and sophisticated members. David M is in my Sunday School class and he is fantastic. (He is reading this.) David, I finally figured out "stole man". It took a while.

Mark F is a frequenter of our fellowship table. Missed you, Mark. Mark is a long haul truck driver.

Martha picked me up and I spent aft and evening there. First I took a long nap, two hours. Then Jeff and I ranted and raved about health care while Martha finished up some report. We had grilled pork roast. Then Josh and Michelle came home. Josh is M's son and Michelle is his girl friend. Shay came over, another friend of Josh. Josh is a back waiter at JF Chang's. He brot home a recipe for watermelon drink. Ymmy. Michelle works as a personal trainer.

Lady Chica's Tale
Mom left us alone all day and it was cooler and we never got to go to the park.

Blitzen's Tale
Yeah, Mom is neglectful. I may turn her in to Child Protective Services.

Jane Haddam, *Skeleton Key*
Gregor Demarkian series. Gregor is retired FBI Special Agent. he created behavioral unit. Now he consults with police departments on homicides. Bennis, his girl friend, was visiting inConn and found a dead body. Gregor found the killer but could not prove it. He went back to Philly.
I have read most of the series.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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