Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009

Adam lived on MI-5. It was touch and go that he pull through. Last night's episode was wild. MI6 is trying to take over the government in a coup.

Alarm rings at 9:30 and I am on my way to tai chi. I finally feel more rested but I am stiff. Martha pointed out that Nolan Ryan probably hurts more than I do. (He is on a billboard.) I heard an interview with a tennis champion who is in pain all the time. He retired bc of pain.

After tai chi I had lunch --- turkey hash with cranberries __- at the Senior Center. Came home and took a nap. Now for the dog races. 3:20 PM

It was a mild afternoon, exercise wise that is. Lady Chica came to ask to go home. We started for the gate and Blitzen beat us there. On the other hand, when we got home, B's terrior terrier persona took over. he grabbed a little box and shook it to death racing around the room.

Blitzen's Tale
Mostly at the the dog park i ran around asking people to pet me. When we got home I took it out on this box. I pretended the box was a rabbit.

Lady Chica's Tale
I am so tired of being associated with that crazy Blitzen. Will no one rescue me?

Kathy Reichs, * Deadly Decisions*
Kathy Reichs is a forensic anthropologist as is her hero, Dr. Temperence Brennan. Temp spends the summers in Montreal working in their lab. In this novel, she is dealing with motorcycle gangs. According to this book, motorcycle gangs are the new Mafia, deaing in drugs. Her nephew, Kit, gets involved.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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