Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009

11 AM Woke up feeling better. I can breath. Vicks does a great job of cough suppressant. Will be going to dog park as soon as I contact Uncle Mark.

Blitzen was such a pest that we went to dog park and told Uncle Mark we would wait for him. it mizzled for a little while and then stopped. Blitzen loves Uncle Mark bc Mark pets him. Now 3 PM I am going to take a nap.

Blitzen's Tale
Uncle Mark came to dog park. He gives me a great rubbing.

Lady Chica
First it was mizzling. So all the dogs went home. Mom had a book and was reading. She is always reading.

5 PM I took a long nap. My nose is clear but my shoulders ache.

I dont feel too bad but I dont feel good. I can breath. I can breath.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I looked forward to it and now it is gone. Alas.

John Lutz , *Night Kills*
Police procedural. Retired NYPD homicide dick, Frank Quinn, is contracted back to find serial killer. We know who the killer is. A dating service provides special service. They kill a person and substitute their special client, a person who wants to change identities.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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