Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb 19

10 am and the sun is shining. I have to include the following. Forgive me.

65 above zero:
Floridians turn on the heat.
People in Michigan plant gardens.

60 above zero:
Californians shiver uncontrollably.
People in Michigan sunbathe.

50 above zero:
Italian & English cars won't start.
People in Michigan drive with the windows down..

40 above zero:
Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats.
People in Michigan throw on a flannel shirt.

35 above zero:
New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in Michigan have the last cookout before it gets cold.

20 above Zero
People in Miami all die.
Michiganders close the windows.

Californians fly away to Mexico .
People in Michigan get out their winter coats.

10 below zero:
Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in Michigan are selling cookies door to door.

20 below zero:
Washington DC runs out of hot air.
People in Michigan let the dogs sleep indoors.

30 below zero:
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
Michiganders get upset because they can't start the Snow-mobile.

40 below zero):
ALL atomic motion stops .
People in Michigan start saying...'Cold enough fer ya?'

50 below zero:
Hell freezes over.
Michigan public schools will open 2 hours late

I am listening to NPR. Some sociologist has declared a third chapter of development: 50 to 75. I guess I am into chapter four. Always on the cutting edge.

Trying to nap on Thursday is an exercise in futility with the landscape people blowing leaves. the dogs go berserk. We went to dog park 4:30. The motorsikle cops were just leaving, thank goodness. They set up obstacles in the parking lot and practice synchronized swimming. (That was a joke.) Blitzen starts digging out under the fence. Smaller dogs escape in his holes.
Lady Chica goes crazy racing the fence. I truly think she gets crazy. Finally a nice young man climbed the fence from the big dog park and helped me catch her. She really was tired and ready to come home.
I am sleepy. May take an early nap. 8 PM

Barbara Parker, *Suspicion of Malice*
Well, Gail and Anthony get back together. As a favor Gail agrees to defend a young man suspected of murder. Anthony agrees to defend a friend who is a judge who may get embroiled as an alibi witness. Together they decide their only hope is to find the real killer.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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