Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lincoln's Birthday

Lincoln's Birthday
Old Age is a kind of exile. I was listening on NPR to a story of refugees from North Korea living in China or South Korea. They are homesick for North Korea. (See this month's issue of National Geographic.)
As one ages, the culture changes. It feels like a different planet. One's friends and family die. One longs for a time space than no longer exists.

So much for angst. Thursday morning. This morning my muscles are sore from that wild exercise yesterday. Irony.

I went back to bed for a nap, getting up at ten. I quickly ate mac and cheese for bkfast and dashed over to show the girls at Stitchintime my string quilt completed. 10:45 and everybody had gone home. Disappointed I wandered home, encountering Mildred and Marilyn. Mildred said the stitchers had worked until eleven. But it is not yet eleven I said, looking at my watch. My watch read: 11:45. Now it is noon plus sixteen.
Now I need to get over to Kroger for some rug doctor. Should I let the doglets ride along?

The doglets rode along and then we went to the dog park. Judy was coming in from her long walk just as we arrived. Judy and I talked about Obama's press conference, the secy of treasury's boring speech, the octuplets. The story of the octuplets is beyond fiction.

I had my lunch and plan to nap. 4:25 PM

I napped until 6:45 PM. How did I need so much sleep? I got up and snacked for dinner. Watched McNeil Lehrer news report on my beautiful new HD television..

No book review. I have been reading articles about Darwin. And modern theories of evolution. I am fascinated that we have the same genes as mice, about 21,000. The differences among species has to do with genes which turn on and off. The giraffe has neck genes which apparently got stuck in ON position.

Letters to editor in AARP magazine are talking about DNA which is the same for all humans. HA. We are the same as all animals down to the mice.

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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