Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21

Up at 11 am. Feeling rested. I have fabric piled on my kitchen work table. I hope fire marshal does not think this is a fire hazard.

I have not done anything today. Took a nap. Decided not to go to the park. I thot it would be easier to walk in the field across the street. Wro-o-ong. I let the dogs go on their double leash. They took off and my knee went out. I was feeling hopeless when Blitzen came around again. He does that, teasing me. Chica put on the brakes and I stepped on the leash. Then we came home.

Caesar Milan, *_A Member of the Family*
This book is written for people just getting a dog. I have found it interesting and to some degree helpful. Caesar is all for dogs in bed with you. He says that sleeping together is more intimate than sex. When one is asleep one is totally vulnerable. Trust.
Caesar writes about custody of a dog in a divorce case. Caesar is gung ho on having a pack. Dogs need a pack.

Martha, why do you forbid Rocky the bed?

Hugs, Dr. Liz

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