Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feb 22

Washington's birthday under new calendar.

Turned off alarm and got up at eleven. Now past noon. My back muscles hurt from my activity yesterday. At this point I dont care about the fire marshal inspector. If I can manage to get my jeans on, I think we will go to the dog park.
I am enjoying my new telly. I love it. Unfortunately it takes my attention.

I keep wondering what Caeser Milan would do with Blitzen. Blitzen would fit in nicely. I have seen Blitzen join a pack of big dogs. If Blitzen gets enuf exercise he is fine. Caesar could have him pulling Caesar on a skateboard.

We had a lovely time at the dog park, staying almost two hours. Judy came by and I saw Prof Chambers briefly. I can barely walk. As one ages, one's muscles do not rebound.

Came home and took a nap. I am a little better. By Wednesday I should be fine. No arthritis. Just muscles. The problem with aging is muscle reboudn, or lack thereof.

Abraham Verghese, *My Own Country*
Reads like a novel but is true account of a doctor in the early AIDS epidemic, 1983-89. Dr. Verghese is a Christian Indian emigrant to US. His ancestors in India were converted by St. Thomas, one of the apostles. (I had never heard of this. I knew Xtian communities in Ethiopia etc.) After his residency as an internal medicine specialist, he worked for a VA hospital and retirement home in Tennessee, with one day a week at a local hospital. One by one the first AIDS patients came to his hospital.

During this same time I knew Carole D who worked in Houston for an internal medicine specialist. So I knew about the AIDS epidemic as it happened. I was interested from a demographic point of view. The CDC defined AIDS by a series of opportune infections. See *And the Band Played On*

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